Gift Ideas From The Bridesmaids To The Bride

Gift Ideas From The Bridesmaids To The Bride

If you're a bridesmaid and wondering what to gift the bride, we've got some ideas!

The bridal shower is over thanks to your excellent planning, your dress is all but ready - do you really need to send a gift to the bride?

If you can afford it, we say a resounding yes!

You've probably parted with a fair bit of cash as part of your bridesmaid duties so we don't suggest anything extravagant but a small, meaningful gift from the bridesmaids to the bride shows her just how much she means to you and how much you appreciate getting to be part of her special day.

pink gift ideas

Our suggestions:

1. Pitch in with the other bridesmaids or some of her family members on an indulging gift box.

We love the Thinking Of You Gift for gifts she can use beyond the wedding day.

2. You know her pretty well, could you go for something handmade?
3. If there are outstanding items on her wedding gift list, could a few of you club together and buy a few items?
4. Build her a custom gift according to your budget and her likes and dislikes.
We find brides love receiving practical gifts so why not include things she can use on her way to and on the honeymoon?
5. Do not underestimate the power of the handwritten card!
All our gifts come with a note where we will carefully put your loving and thoughtful words to paper.